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Saakshi Shah


Date: June 14, 2023.

Let’s travel around the universe.

The universe is mind-blowingly huge, with an astonishing two trillion galaxies. Our very own home, the Milky Way, is a part of this vast expanse and is home to a mind-boggling hundred billion stars, along with a bunch of cool moons (like a hundred and forty-six of them) and eight awesome planets (oh, Pluto, how we miss your planetary status!).

Now, let’s rewind the clock and delve into the story of the universe, which came into existence roughly fourteen billion years ago, and a mere hundred million years later, galaxies emerged like cosmic masterpieces. Fast forward to our magnificent planet Earth, which came into existence a mere four and a half billion years ago.

Picture this: a fiery ball transformed into a watery paradise, and against all odds, life sprouted and thrived!

The journey of life is an extraordinary one, filled with captivating twists and turns. From ancient reptiles to majestic dinosaurs, our planet’s history is a tapestry of magnificent creatures.

Then BOOM! A catastrophic event brought about the extinction of our dear dinos, paving the way for the next chapter; Evolution.

And then, it happened — 

We humans came into the picture!

Today, our global population stands tall at a staggering eight billion individuals, each with our own unique stories and dreams.

Hey there fantastic readers! Sending you a burst of energy and a big smile! This is Saakshi Shah, author. It’s an extra special day today because it’s my birthday! (YAYYY!!!)

But let’s not just celebrate me, let’s celebrate the incredible essence of being human! We are truly amazing, fascinating, and oh-so-important.

So get ready to be showered with a massive dose of love and excitement!

Here’s to me, and here’s to all of us!

Hi beautiful people! Saakshi (author) here!

Let’s continue with the blog…

Now, here’s something to ponder about-

In this universe, size doesn’t matter, but time does!

Let me tell you how, close your eyes and count to one — that’s how long forever feels like.

Crazy, right?

Inside our bodies, we humans have a whopping thirty seven trillion cells, none of which are technically “alive,” yet here we are, full of life! If you live for a hundred years, you have five thousand two hundred weeks to make the most of them. Sounds like a lot, but in the grand scheme of things… it’s not!

Remember, we’ve got this one shot at life! One chance to be a part of something truly remarkable. The fact that we can think, with our conscious and subconscious brains working together, is simply astonishing! In fact, we are the only known entities in the universe capable of deep thought and profound emotions (I’m not sure about the existence of aliens so…*shrugs*). We are just as important as a real star. This idea may seem a bit scary but it is what sets us free! Only ‘our life’ is what we get to experience, so that should be the only thing that matters!

We may not have all the answers to the universe’s principles and purpose, but our thirst for exploration keeps us moving forward. It’s our curiosity that has propelled us this far!

The human brain’s development has been astonishingly rapid. Thousands of years ago, our main focus was mere survival. But look at us now — we ponder the meaning of life, question our existence, and contemplate the cycle of life and death. We strive to find cures for diseases, unravel the mysteries of the universe, generate ground-breaking ideas, and revolutionize technologies. The possibilities are endless! With so much to accomplish, we have just one life, and we better not waste it. Let’s make it exhilarating, embrace joy, uplift others, and contribute to building a brighter future for generations to come. Let’s pass on the flame of curiosity to our descendants so they can also contribute to greatness.

Remember, it’s up to YOU to define the meaning of your life!

And here’s an undeniable universal truth:

Energy cannot be created nor destroyed — it can only be transformed.

And guess what? We’ve not only figured that out, but we’ve taken energy transformation to unprecedented levels! A level so extraordinary that our ancestors could only dream of. Confused about how? Look around you — all the amazing gadgets, technologies, and highly sophisticated tools you use work on the principle of energy transformation. It is energy transformation that lights our houses, drives us to work, cooks our food, propels us to the moon, and keeps us alive. So, keep this in mind:

We are the energy, and we hold the power to harness and shape the energy within us and around us!


One might ponder, as everything eventually comes to an end, does anything truly matter?

But here’s the key:

You are matter, and what matters to you indeed matters.

It’s as simple and profound as that.

Wow! Being alive is an incredible experience. Life is a magnificent journey, and the world around us is filled with endless wonders. How can anyone possibly be bored in this vast universe? The freedom to choose our favorites, pursue our passions, and celebrate the wonders around us is a miraculous gift in itself. Let’s express gratitude to the forces of nature that brought us into existence. Thank you to our amazing parents, the process of evolution, and of course, the Big Bang (for the purpose of this blog, we’ll stick with the Big Bang theory).

We are mortal beings, and one day we will leave this Earth. However, it is our good deeds that will make our lives remarkable and ensure our memory lives on in others’ hearts. Nothing and no one can diminish the significance of this moment you have right now or the countless moments to come.

Thank you.

With a bright and wide smile,

Saakshi Shah.


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