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Saakshi Shah

Author’s Chemical Mishap: How Immunity, Inflammation, and Healing Works.

Date: May 1, 2023.

Alright, story time-

January 24th, 2020, was a regular Friday. Our daring protagonist, the author, embarked on a medicinal chemistry lab adventure filled with pharmaceutical synthesis. But little did she know that this particular day had a twist in store for her. As fate would have it, the author’s ongoing periods dampened her spirits. But that didn’t stop her from synthesizing phenothiazine, an antipsychotic drug. She confidently dove into the experiment. The final step was just around the corner, where the flask awaited heating and observation for precipitates. The author sealed the flask tightly with a corkscrew and let the heat work its magic. But what happened next was beyond her wildest imagination.

She shook the hot flask and…BOOM!

In a split second, the flask exploded, sending the chemical straight into her eyes (wear protective glasses guys). As someone who hand-wrote the lab manual and knew the rules by heart, in a flurry of panic and adrenaline, she cried out for water, frantically rinsing her eyes, imagining a life with one eye (lol). Once the shock subsided, she cautiously opened her overexposed eye, only to discover a hazy film obstructing her vision in the right eye. Miraculously, her vision was saved, and a wave of relief washed over her. Classmates sprang into action, racing the author to the nearest hospital, only to find a roadblock — doctors on lunch break! (Now What?!)

Fear not dear friends, for the author’s safety was not forsaken. The author was eventually treated by nurses at a government hospital and then taken to an ophthalmologist’s clinic for further examination. Author’s classmates wore expressions of concern and worry, suggesting something horrible had happened to her eye.

Yes, there were burns, but fortune smiled upon her vision — it remained unharmed. And to add to the stroke of luck, the chemical proved unreactive. The Ophthalmologist advised waiting for a day to see progress and prescribed medicines to calm inflammation, boost immunity, and aid healing. The following day, to everyone’s surprise, the doctor noted 80% healing in the author’s eye and informed that her eye would return to its normal appearance within two weeks.

It did…whew…all’s well that ends well!

80% healing?! Overnight?! How?!

Let me breakdown these concepts for you, Immunity | Inflammation | Healing.


Let’s imagine that your immune system is like a team of security personnel tasked with ensuring high-profile event safety. This security team, also known as leukocytes or white blood cells, has five types of designations, each with its own unique function.

Neutrophils are the most abundant type of leukocyte and are the frontline defense team against bacterial and fungal infections. They work by engulfing and destroying invading bacteria.

Eosinophils, on the other hand, are like the security team’s response to parasitic infections and allergic reactions.

Basophils function like the security team’s crisis response unit. They release histamine and other chemicals in response to allergic reactions.

Lymphocytes consist of a team of T cells, B cells, and natural killer (NK) cells. They function like the security team’s intelligence and investigation unit, identifying and responding to foreign invaders.

Lastly, monocytes are the security team’s heavy lifters. They are the largest leukocytes and respond to infections and inflammation. They can differentiate into macrophages, which engulf and destroy pathogens, and dendritic cells (DCs), which present antigens to activate the immune response.

Before being assigned a specific designation, leukocytes start as rookie hematopoietic stem cells with their headquarters in the bone marrow. Most of them originate and mature in the bone marrow. However, some require specialized training at other training centers for maturation. B cells mature in the spleen and lymph nodes, T cells mature in the thymus gland, and NK cells mature in various organs, including the spleen and lymph nodes.

Overall, the immune system is like a well-coordinated security team that is constantly working to protect the body from harm and maintain its health.

Let’s say an intruder breaches the security and enters your body. To fight him, the security team needs to recognize him first.

Here’s how they do it.

The security team uses pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), which are like security cameras placed throughout the venue to identify intruders. PRRs are expressed by macrophages, dendritic cells, and neutrophils, and they recognize conserved molecular structures present on the surface of many different pathogens, known as pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). Once these patterns are identified, the alarm is set off, and other team members are alerted. The activated immune cells then produce cytokines and chemokines, which are like emergency signals that direct other immune cells to the site of infection. Now that the security team is in full swing, they directly engulf and destroy pathogens through a process called phagocytosis. Alternatively, they can release toxic molecules, like reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide, to kill pathogens. Some immune cells can also release extracellular traps, which are structures made of DNA and antimicrobial proteins that trap and kill pathogens.

Suppose an intruder escapes the fight scene. What will the immune system do to catch it?

Fear not, the immune system’s security team is on the case with their top-secret protocol: the adaptive immune response. It’s like a spy mission with a twist!

First up, we have our superstar agents: the dendritic cells, macrophages, and B cells, also known as the antigen-presenting cells (APCs). They break down these pesky intruders into tiny fragments and show them off on their surface using a special molecule called the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). It’s like putting up a “Wanted” poster for all to see! Now here’s where the real action begins. T cells, our elite task force, come equipped with super cool antigen-specific T cell receptors (TCRs). Once they spot the intruder’s antigen on the APCs, its game on!

Activated T cells multiply like crazy, creating a whole army of T cells specialized in recognizing that particular intruder. Some of these T cells become the bad boys known as effector T cells who directly attack the intruder, like a ninja on a mission. While others transform into memory T cells. These clever fellas stick around even after the battle is won, acting as bodyguards for future encounters with the same intruder. They’ve got the intruder’s number and won’t let it sneak past again! And let’s not forget our B cells. When they get activated by antigens or helper T cells, they transform into plasma cells, pumping out loads of antibodies that are like little security badges. These antibodies latch onto the intruders, marking them for destruction by the macrophages. It’s like a tag team takedown!

So, you see, the immune system is like a secret agent squad, working together to protect our bodies from the bad guys. They’ve got their own secret language, special ops teams, and even a memory bank for future missions.


Image source:

Now suppose, at this high profile event, hijackers suddenly ambush (aka you get an injury),creating chaos. What will the security team do now?

First, the blood vessels constrict, just like slamming doors to minimize blood loss. It’s like the security guards springing into action and sealing off the area. But as the situation settles, the blood vessels dilate to increase the delivery of important proteins and cells needed for repair. It’s like a VIP entrance for the rescue team! Now, these blood vessels have some chemical mediators on their side — histamine, prostaglandins, and bradykinin. These guys are troublemakers but in a good way! They make the blood vessels expand and become more permeable which causes redness, warmth, and swelling in the affected area. Subsequently, the pain signal is fired to enforce rest and lower further damage. Chemical signals are released from the damaged area, calling for backup. Neutrophils, the heroes of the story, receive this message loud and clear. They adhere to the blood vessel walls, squeeze through tiny gaps like secret agents, and rush to the injured tissue. Once there, they gobble up all the intruders — bacteria, debris, toxins — anything that doesn’t belong. It’s like a clean-up crew on a mission! The activated immune cells start playing their part too. They release chemical mediators like cytokines, chemokines, and histamine. These guys crank up the volume, letting everyone know there’s an emergency. They recruit more immune cells to join the crew and help with repair work. It’s like a call for reinforcements! Eventually, the chaos subsides, and the body’s security team takes a well-deserved break. The inflammation calms down, and the tissues return to their normal state.

Remember, while acute inflammation is a crucial defense mechanism, excessive or prolonged inflammation can be a troublemaker. Chronic inflammation, for example, is associated with various diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and cardiovascular diseases.


Image source: Shutterstock

To kick in repair and healing, our body replaces damaged cells with new ones. At the same time, our body creates scar tissue to fill any gaps left by the injury. Scar tissue acts like a patch to heal the wound.

Next, our body forms new blood vessels called capillaries through a process called angiogenesis. These blood vessels bring important things like oxygen, nutrients, and immune cells to the healing area. It’s like building a highway to deliver all the good stuff to the damaged spot.

During healing, we also get something called granulation tissue. It’s a special kind of tissue that helps fill in the wound and creates a foundation for further healing. Think of it as a soft cushion to help our body repair itself.

Collagen, a super-strong protein, plays a big role too. Our body makes collagen and puts it in the wound to strengthen and support healing tissue. It’s like adding strong building blocks to ensure everything stays in place.

Sometimes, the wound might shrink as part of the healing process. Special cells called myofibroblasts pull the edges of the wound together, like a magic trick that helps it close up.

As time passes, newly formed scar tissue remodels. This means it gets rearranged and organized to make it stronger and more stable. Essentially, it’s like giving our healing tissue a makeover!

Finally, everything goes back to normal.

All’s well that ends well!

What did I do to heal 80% overnight?

As simple as that, I meditated, slept a minimum of 10 hours, took vitamin C supplements, drank more water, and ate light, easy-to-digest food.

Next day, Voila!

Author’s note: I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one that stood by me throughout the mishap. Your unwavering support and kindness mean the world to me. Tejas and Tanvi, thank you for ensuring my safe return home and being constantly by my side throughout. Priyam, your selflessness in providing me with a change of clothes is truly touching. Yashvi, your warm jacket brought much-needed comfort. Ritul, Jaymin, and Moin, thank you for your company. Professor Bhavesh Professor Ashlesha and Professor Darpini, thank you for taking me to the hospital and clinic. Moreover, I would like to express my gratitude to all my college friends and mates for their concern and support. From the bottom of my heart, thank you all. I am truly grateful for your compassion and support.

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